Pseudo data of "DAICHI-3" (ALOS-3) available on Tellus !

New data

We added pseudo data (ground resolution 0.8 m/panchromatic band and 3.2m/multi-band) of "DAICHI-3" (ALOS-3), which is advanced optical satellite that her JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) will launch by the end of FY2020.

There is no ALOS-3 equaled performance satellite (ground resolution 0.8 m/panchromatic band and 3.2m/multi-band, while observing a wide-swath 70 km) through out of the world so we prepared the pseudo data to enable trial of perusal and analysis.

ALOS-3 allows/enables us to identify possibilities of ground resolution 0.8m data and differences by comparing data with varied observational period on Tellus.

About the data: pseudo data of DAICHI-3 (ALOS-3)

・Open Area
 Nagano-city, Nagano, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka (Japan). Part of Hanoi (Vietnam), Part of Manila (Philippines)

Summary of the data
・Band 6 data
 (ortho-collected to ground resolution 0.8m, /panchromatic band and , 3.2m/multi-band from visual radiation to near-infrared based on US's commercial satellite data)

Sample images of using pseudo data of ALOS-3

image (9).png

image (11).png